NSFAS Apply Online 2024-2025

NSFAS Apply Online 2024-2025

NSFAS Online Application Aim

NSFAS plays an important role in supporting South African citizens financially, through schooling either in a University or a Tvet College. The Financial support covers the following listed below:

University in South Africa

  1. Cover Accommodation
    According to the university’s actual costs (costs for private accommodation must not exceed costs for university residence)
  2. Cover Transport (up to 40 km from the institution) R7 500  per annum
  3. Cover’s  Living allowance R15, 000  per annum
  4. Cover’s Book allowances are R5200 per annum
  5. Incidental/personal care allowance of R2900 per annum for students in catered residences

Tvet College in South Africa

  1. Cover accommodation in an urban area for R24,000 per annum
  2. Cover accommodation in a peri-urban area for R18,900 per annum
  3. Cover accommodation in a rural area for R15,750 per annum
  4. Cover Transport (up to 40 km from the institution) R7,350  per annum
  5. Cover Transport R7000 per annum
  6. Incidental/personal care allowance R2900 per annum

For NSFAS Online Application Tvet Colleges Applicants can click here or read the Online Application process for NSFAS Tvet Colleges below

Applicants can check who should apply and who should not apply to the NSFAS scheme by clicking on this useful link here.

NSFAS Online Application Instructions for Applicants

Thanks to the NSFAS online application instructions, many applicants have been successful while applying for financial aid from the National Student Financial Aid Scheme (NSFAS). To acquire a quick response, you must study or read the instructions here

NSFAS Online application opening and closing date

Every application has its opening and closing date for applicants. The documents documented in this useful link show the opening and closing dates for the National Student Financial Aid Scheme (Nsfas).

Read Nsfas Late Application

Supporting documents for applying Nsfas Online Application

Supporting documents are needed for applying for the National Student Financial Aid Scheme (NSFAS). Applicants can read more on these documents here

Nsfas Online Application Requirements

Every Online application requires requirements. Application requirements needed from you when applying for financial support from the National Student Financial Aid Scheme (NSFAS) can be read here

How to apply for Nsfas Online Application

Apply Online

  1. Visit the NSFAS Application website: www.nsfas.org.za
  2. Then, you click on the ‘myNSFAS’ tab
  3. Create a myNSFAS account. If you don’t know how to create, click HERE
  4. Click on the ‘APPLY’ tab
  5. Update your personal information
  6. Answer the questions you see on the screen
  7. Upload all the required supporting documents
  8. Finally, you click on ‘submit

Nsfas Online application forms

The National Student Financial Aid Scheme (NSFAS) application form for applicants. Applicants can download nsfas online application here

Nsfas Online Application Status

Applicants who have received any information about their financial support from the National Student Financial Aid Scheme (NSFAS) can check the status of their application here

Read also how to Appeal Nsfas 

Nsfas Wallet

NSFAS-funded students who are approved for direct allowances will receive cash in their NSFAS Wallets. Applicants can click here for more information on Nsfas Wallet

Nsfas Appeal

For how to Appeal, Who can appeal and Who cannot appeal a rejected Nsfas Application, Applicants can know the steps needed for Appealing here

Nsfas Mastercard

The National Student Financial Aid Scheme (NSFAS) is introducing the NSFAS MasterCard as its new direct payment option for student allowances. Applicants can click here to read on Nsfas Mastercard

TVET Colleges NSFAS Application 2024

In 2023, the NSFAS application system is likely to open in November 2023 to 31 January 2024 when the results of the National Senior Certificate are released.

NSFAS Application Cycles

  • In addition to the online application and walk-in assistive capture applications, the National Certificate Vocation (NC(v)) is available every year at the beginning of semester 1 and trimester 1.
  • DHET calendar trimesters 2 & 3 in May & September, also walk-in assistive capture applications
  • A walk-in application for assistive capture will be accepted during Semester 2 from June to July

How do I apply for TVET College funding in 2024?

You can apply through:

TVET Colleges NSFAS Requirements for 2024

  1. This bursary scheme is only available to South African citizens
  2. A student must be registered at a public TVET college in South Africa that offers PLP, NC(V), or Report 191 programmes.
  3. An NSFAS evaluation of a student’s financial need will determine eligibility for financial assistance.
  4. Upon returning to the College, all students must demonstrate proven and acceptable academic performance (academically deserving) in accordance with the College’s progress policy or the Bursary Rules and Guidelines (whichever is higher).
  5. It is not advisable for candidates to enroll in a qualification that duplicates previous state-funded learning
  6. The maximum family income threshold is R350,000 per annum, and applicants who are admitted/receive a firm offer for enrolment in a college qualify.

NSFAS Funded Courses or Programmes-TVET Colleges NSFAS Application 2024-2025

Public TVET Colleges give a very huge range of courses/programmes that have been developed to respond to the scarce skills needed by employers. Courses differ in duration from a short course of a few hours to formal diploma courses of three years.

Naturally the costs of the courses also differ considerably but it is important to recall that Department of Higher Education and Training programmes are subsidised by 80% of the delivery cost and for the remaining 20% that would be paid by the student, many full bursaries are obtainable.

NSFAS funds Ministerial approved programmes and students must refer to each college, however the generally funded programmes are below:

  • Engineering Studies – (National Certificate -Vocational) NQF levels 2-4 & Engineering studies – Report 191 N1-N6
  • Engineering and Related Design; Electrical Infrastructure; Civil Engineering Construction and Information Technology & Computer Science
  • Business & Utility Studies (National Certificate – Vocational) NQF levels 2-4 & Report 191 N1-N6
  • Management; Marketing; Finance; Office Administration; Economics & Accounting; Education & Development; Hospitality; Tourism; Safety in Society and Transport & Logistics
  • Pre-Learning Programme (PLP) funding through NSFAS


Nsfas Wallet
How to apply Nsfas
Nsfas Online application forms
Nsfas application status
nsfas documents needed
Nsfas Online Application Requirements
Nsfas Application Instructions
Nsfas application opening date

For more information visit Nsfas Website


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