news24 sassa r350 2023-2024

By | May 30, 2023

news24 sassa r350 2023-2024

news24 sassa r350 2023-2024

news24 sassa r350 2023-2024

News24 is a leading news outlet in South Africa that covers a wide range of topics, including SASSA-related news.

Some of the recent SASSA-related news covered by News24 includes:

1. SASSA to stop R350 grant payments: In April 2021, SASSA announced that it would stop payments for the COVID-19 Social Relief of Distress Grant after the end of April. This decision sparked outrage from many South Africans who were still struggling financially due to the pandemic.

2. SASSA suspends 210 000 disability grants: In March 2021, SASSA announced that it was suspending around 210 000 disability grants due to concerns over fraud and corruption. This decision caused widespread anxiety and anger among people who rely on these grants to support themselves and their families.

3. SASSA introduces new biometric system: In January 2021, SASSA announced that it would be introducing a new biometric system to help prevent fraud and improve the efficiency of its payment processes. This system would require beneficiaries to provide fingerprints or other forms of biometric data to access their grants.

4. SASSA to investigate double payments: In November 2020, SASSA announced that it would be investigating cases of double payments, where some beneficiaries had received more than one payment for the same grant. This raised concerns about the effectiveness of SASSA’s payment systems and led to calls for greater transparency and accountability.

These are just a few examples of the SASSA-related news that has been covered by News24 in recent months. As a leading news outlet, News24 plays an important role in informing the public about the latest developments and issues related to SASSA and other important government agencies in South Africa.



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